Mike Quick opinions

Interact Without Attack

By on Jul 26, 2020 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Each person should suggest ways that we can interact without attack.

In 2020 we find division and chaos that creates more division and dangerous chaos.

I think the first rule of discussion should ban personal attacks.

We can attack and discuss ideas without personal attacks. Personal attacks usually end viable discussion. Mutual respect allows communication and disrespect ends it. People think different and if we choose words carefully, we can attack messages and not messengers.

The second rule of discussion should provide equal time. 

Maybe three minutes or three hundred words each. Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedure might help.

Freedom of speech is almost as important as the right to bear arms. Unfortunately, guns are necessary to protect the frail and the timid. Rules and rule enforcement are the best tools to prevent the need to bear arms.

I often think of words provided by Mrs. Heath (my Fourth grade teacher); “We know that war is made in the minds of men. And peace is made in the minds of men. Let us ask ourselves; what is our mental attitude toward world harmony?”

Please try to think of ways we can improve communication.