Mike Quick opinions

Multipurpose Your Writing,Time and Energy

By on Oct 15, 2017 in Mike Quick & Friends, Writing as a Business | 0 comments

Friends Help Friends Multipurpose by Mike Quick

I recently attended a very well organized meeting about real estate investing.  Based on something I learned at the meeting, I decided to write about ways friends help friends multipurpose.

The meeting was hosted by Home Dream Realty, Anna Jenkins and Rick Banez. Anna loves to travel. She also seems passionate about real estate and helping people while Rick only seems passionate about real estate and helping people.  Anna seemed interested in my “Real Estate CLUE Reports” book and writing, so, I decided to make this article about her.

As she travels, she could write as a business, help people and build on her excellent real estate platform. Regardless whether or not she mentions me in her writing, I would like to help her publish and market her writing.

If she mentions me in her book or other writing, she helps my writing career and provides more of an incentive for me to help market her writing. Actually, if I can help her, that is only one facet of the benefits of friends helping friends multipurpose.

One of the most popular ways to market an author name is to get that name mentioned in other books and other writing. Guest blogging and other opportunities to help friends multipurpose should not be wasted. As you read this article, you notice my friend helped me already and I helped her.

At the meeting, Anna asked people what they were passionate about. That approach provided me the idea to write this multipurpose article. I hope this article helps you think about what you are passionate about, what you want to write about and how you can multipurpose your time and energy. I hope Anna will write about real estate AND travel.

I think this article provides a great example of how friends help friends multipurpose.